Welcome to CYSD

CYSD (Centre for Youth and Social Development) is a non-government and non-profit organization established in 1982, working to improve the quality of lives of tribal, rural and urban poor in Odisha, with a primary focus to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, ensuring social inclusion and justice, good governance and citizen’s right. Helping communities identify and initiate development measures; providing training and other capacity-building support to pro-poor organizations and individuals; and carrying out research and advocacy in favour of the under privileged people especially the tribal.

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Following a lifecycle approach, CYSD works intensively through focused welfare projects in four major areas – Sustainable Livelihoods, Participatory Governance, Climate Change & Disaster Response and Mitigation, and Advocating for Responsive State

non-profit organization

Building Sustainable Rural Livelihoods

Widening livelihood options in both farm and non-farm sectors is one of the key strategies adopted by CYSD ..

Fostering Inclusive Governance

CYSD’s Participatory Governance work focuses on empowering community in terms of building their understanding..

Advocating for Responsive State

CYSD is working to build and support a strong early learning system at the state, regional and local levels.

Disaster Mitigation & Climate Change

CYSD’s response to any disaster is two-fold; when there is any kind of disaster, we immediately rush to the victims with relief


Our programs serve a wide range of communities, from those living in remote rural villages to small towns to slums in major cities.

Voices from the Field

When you support our work, we make a promise: to share stories of the people transforming their lives because of you.