After battling depression, loneliness, joblessness and pay cuts for the last one year since the Covid-19 pandemic, people had just begun to relax. They were expecting some respite from the threat of Coronavirus this year, but the second wave has dealt an even harsher blow to them.  Many poor innocent fellows like, Kumara Nayak succumbed to Covid-19 leaving his last breath within the clutch of the deadly virus.

Kumara is no more with us – is just unbelievable! A young man of 46 years, housekeeping- sweeper in profession was no less than a Covid Warrior. Keeping office floors cleaned and sanitised with his charismatic hands always used to bring freshness in office premises. His doubled obligation to ensure proper cleanliness and hygiene hardly allows him to take breathing space. While at work in early morning, Kumara’s smiling face offers a pleasing welcome to rest of the staff members.

Kumar, being a low paid daily wage earner was struggling for a sustained livelihoods. Additionally, he was earning some money through driving a hired auto-rickshaw on reservation basis in leisure hours. He was managing a four-membered family – wife Rina (homemaker), a young daughter of 17 and a son of 12 years. Daughter ‘Kaberi’ has completed High School Certificate Examination and could not pursue higher education due to father’s loss of job during first phase of Covid and son ‘Krishna’ is continuing his 7th Std. Despite the impact of Covid, Kumar was managing to keep his family happy.

Kumara never thought of that his auto-rickshaw service will one day take his life by carrying a Covid positive patient to hospital and leave his family in complete darkness. He struggled hard to survive. Financial crisis and fear of stigma around his residential colony at Mangala Nagar, Salia Sahi slum (Jayadev Vihar) under Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation constrained him to expose about his infection. He could have survived if proper medical care or simple medication was given early or CYSD staff members could have been informed regarding his positive case.

Losing their father both the children are speechless and wife has gone to deep psychological depression. They are not yet ready to accept the fact that their only bread earning member is no more to offer them a full square meal. Schooling for two impoverished children will be a day-dream now. Can Rina be able to feed her children at this harsh Covid pandemic situation? She fears, in case her children will sleep empty stomach in coming days.