A 42 years old self-inspired guy, Umachand Baral, having rich experience on community mobilisation jumped into outside to fight COVID-19 outbreak while the Government announced lockdown across the nation. His prime motto was to protect all innocent tribal people including women, men, children who do not know about this deadly virus and its formidable consequences.

While interacting with Umachand, it was learnt, he did not have much knowledge about Coronavirus and its far-reaching effect, but his prime intention was to be among the people of Kudumuluguma GP in particular and Khairiput Block of Malkanagiri in general with whom he has spent most of his valuable time to bring some changes within them.  Be it awareness, empowerment, protection of child rights or even child marriage, he has proved his involvement with utmost sincerity at the ground zero.

During initial phase of the pandemic, after getting a virtual orientation, he stayed with the community and discoursed among the community people about not to be panic and be a doctor for self-protection by acquiring appropriate information and right knowledge first. Starting from Block to Gram Panchayat or village everywhere Umakant is required by all sections of his society without whom the work is incomplete.  Through his personal endeavour and with the co-support of the Child Development Project, he has been able to make aware thousands of community people regarding how to practice hand washing, physical distancing, face mask wearing, be safe at home, avoidance of public/community gatherings, etc. He knew, there is no medicine or vaccine to get rid of Coronavirus but only awareness and above practices can save people at large.  He says, “Every day is a new day for me and all of us. CYSD-ChildFund have given me a wonderful opportunity to serve the poor and marginalised people in particular and the community at large”.

Undoubtedly, Umachand is no less than a warrior of Conora. He is a source of inspiration for many young volunteers and community resource persons during this Pandemic situation.